Occasionally, products may become temporarily unavailable, especially during times of high demand. We understand this can be disappointing, but worry not! You can add the product to your wishlist or saved items, and we'll notify you as soon as it's back in stock!

Here's how to add products to your wishlist:

STEP 1: Visit the product you desire and click the heart icon in the upper right corner of the product page. Once clicked, the heart will turn red, indicating the product has been successfully added to your wishlist.

STEP 2: To view your wishlist, click on your icon in the upper right corner of the screen and select 'My Profile.'

STEP 3: Choose 'Wishlist' from the dropdown options.

STEP 4: Ensure your notifications are enabled to receive alerts when wishlist items are back in stock!

For Android users, navigate to your phone's Settings, click 'App Notifications,' and toggle the switch for edamama.

For Apple users, access your phone's Settings, select the edamama app, and enable notifications.

In the meantime, feel free to contact us here and provide details on the product you're seeking, and we'll assist you in finding suitable alternatives. Happy shopping!

How do I add or remove an item from my wishlist?

It's simple! Here's how:

STEP 1: Click on your icon in the upper right corner and choose 'My Profile.'

STEP 2: Select 'Wishlist' from the dropdown options.

STEP 3: To remove an item, click on the heart icon. A pop-up notification will appear for confirmation. Click 'Yes' to proceed!

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